
Vi har kombinerat vår erfarenhet inom simning och pedagogik och arbetar nu som konsulter där vi samordnar kurser för simskolor och föreningar. Vårt mål är att hjälpa dem öka sin flexibilitet och kompetens för en mer effektiv verksamhet.

"Vårt mål är att vara det självklara valet för din simklubb."

Våra Tjänster

Simkraften är ett personligt företag med hög kompetens och lång erfarenhet inom simning, pedagogik och ledarskap.

Vi hyr ut certifierade siminstruktörer till skolor, simskolor och föreningar. Vårt mål är att ge er som skola eller förening ökad flexibilitet, bättre kostnadskontroll och minskad risk vid exempelvis sjukfrånvaro hos personal.
Som kund hos Simkraften kan du känna dig trygg med att alltid få den hjälp du behöver. Samtidigt drar du nytta av den expertis som vår personal har byggt upp genom erfarenheter från andra kunder.
Tack vare våra beprövade processer säkerställer vi att du får personal med rätt kompetens, personlighet och inställning. Hos oss betalar du bara för effektiva arbetstimmar och slipper arbetsgivaransvar. Vårt mål är att vara det självklara valet för företag och organisationer som söker kvalificerad personal inom simning.


Life Kinetik är en rörelsebaserad hjärnträning som förbättrar hälsa, prestation och livskvalitet. Genom att kombinera ovana rörelser med mentala uppgifter stimuleras både kognitiva och fysiska förmågor.Det är en rolig och effektiv metod för att öka koncentration, perception och koordination.

    Life kinetik för äldre

    Life Kinetics för simning

    Life Kinetik för fotboll

    Livskenetik för skolan

    Livskinetik för arbetsplatser


    Vill du boka en aktivitet, gå med i en kurs eller få mer information om våra tjänster? Fyll i formuläret så återkommer vi till dig så snart som möjligt!

    Tack för ditt meddelande! Vi har mottagit din förfrågan och återkommer till dig så snart som möjligt. Vi ser fram emot att välkomna dig! 😊
    hoppsan! Något gick fel när formuläret skickades.
    Life kinetik for elderly

    Life Kinetik is a unique, effective and highly appreciated training method that
    will bring you a lot of joy and benefit.
    The Life Kinetik method is movement-based. This means that unfamiliar movements and movement combinations are included as basic elements in all exercises.

    The movements are combined with thinking tasks and challenges for perception.Everyone can train Life Kinetik. The large selection of exercises and training materials means that
    the training can always be adapted to the participants' physical and cognitive abilities. This makes
    brain training with Life Kinetik a great alternative and complement to traditional
    senior training.

    Brain training with Life Kinetik gives older people better memory, balance and motor skills. LifeKinetik training increases the brain's performance and as a brain trainer you can,among other things, help reduce the risk of falls, prevent and delaydementia.

    Life kinetik for Swimming

    It is of course positive for swimmers to have well-developed cognitiveabilities. It is advantageous to have a good working memory, good spatial perception,high concentration skills and the ability to perceive and process visual, tactileand auditory impressions quickly. This means that the athlete can make good decisions at a high pace and under pressure.

    Of course, swimmers also strive to have good balance, good coordination and
    fast reactions. These qualities can also be improved with Life Kinetik. The fact that
    training also helps to reduce stress is of course also
    positive during competition.
    Movement-based brain training according to the Life Kinetik method can provide:

    • Better balance
    • Improved coordination
    • Better reaction speed
    • Increased concentration• Better working memory
    • Improved spatial perception
    • Lower stress levels – means better performance.
    • Faster and better decisions.

    Life kinetik for football

    Train Life Kinetik for better game perception and increaseddecision qualityModern football involves high tempo, quick transitions, repeatedmaximum runs and explosive duels.

    The game requires precision in the form of passes,shots, receptions and other actions that are part of football. Life Kinetikcomplements traditional physical and technical training in football by offeringperformance-enhancing training without adding additional physical strain.

    The number of fast sprints at maximum speed has increased significantly in recent years. The large
    playing surface places demands on endurance and nowadays it is mainly about
    the ability to recover in order to be able to act at maximum in the next situation.By relating to teammates and opponents, positionally and
    tactically, football players constantly need to register and process information.It is important that your game perception is both fast and accurate in order to make
    the right decisions. The more solutions you can choose from, the greater your chances of
    succeeding in the game.Life Kinetik training helps improve players' ability to
    perceive correctly, act quickly and make good decisions in pressured and changing situations.
    People often talk about game perception or the ability to "read the game". This is
    often considered to be an innate characteristic, but you can of course develop your
    game perception through training.

    Why do football players benefit from brain training?
    IMPROVE YOUR REACTION ABILITYThe faster the player perceives a situation, the more time to act. Life Kinetik
    trains the visual system, which makes it easier to detect,
    perceive and interpret situations correctly. Since the training also provides increased
    ability to process and manage information, the player can react faster.DEVELOP YOUR GAME PERCEPTION FOR BETTER DECISION MAKING
    Being able to process a lot of information to make correct decisions as quickly as possible
    is crucial for performance and development. Studies show that
    individuals who train Life Kinetik improve their game perception and thereby increase
    the quality of their decisions.

    Once the decision has been made, one or more actions must be carried out. This requires
    good coordination and the ability to translate decisions into movements throughout
    the body. Life Kinetik trains and improves coordination skills significantly.

    With increased repetitive and coordinative ability, a number of actions canbe automated. This means that the player puts less effort into the “wrong things” andcan channel more effort into the “right things”.Goalkeepers – train your game perception to succeedbetter in difficult situationsBeing a football goalkeeper often means a lot of pressure, where a well-developedgame understanding in addition to a good game perception gives great competitive advantages.The position places high demands on exceptional qualities in terms of reaction,coordination, mobility, vision, orientation skills and decision-making speed.Few positions in team sports are more dependent on the ability to focus andconcentrate on the task even though you are not always involved in the game.Goalkeepers have to make quick decisions that can often be completely match-determining.Deciding in a fraction of a second to either try to keep the ball, tipit over the bar or box it away is everyday life for a football goalkeeper.

    Vision – the visual systemLife Kinetik training helps calibrate the visual system and gives the brain
    a better ability to process information. Training the visual system
    is included as a specific part of the training method and is embedded in
    the training structure.
    In sports where the game revolves around a ball, puck or other objects, it is important to
    be able to follow objects at different speeds, judge distances, have a well-functioning
    depth perception and good peripheral vision (field of vision) in order to be able to see and detect
    objects/teammates and opponents.
    Complement rehabilitation with brain trainingLife Kinetik is not trained to affect physical injuries, but since the brain controls
    everything (!), it is of course smart to keep it in shape. Supplementary training of,
    for example, perception, reaction speed, decision-making and
    coordination skills can provide a smoother return to competition/match after
    the athlete has received the go-ahead regarding the physical.
    Since the exercises are not physically demanding, the method can be advantageously
    implemented in a rehabilitation program after injury. Brain training can always
    be adapted to the individual's level and thus also be carried out with athletes who
    are currently unable or not allowed to put strain on a body part. In this way, the athlete can
    still keep going (and improve) abilities that are not connected to physical
    As a bonus, Life Kinetik training is also pleasure-based and can serve
    as a positive break in the often monotonous rehabilitation training.Effects you can contribute to as a brain trainer for sports:
    • Better balance
    • Improved coordination
    • Better reaction speed
    • Increased concentration• Better working memory
    • Improved spatial perception
    • Lower stress levels – means fewer mistakes
    • Faster and better decisions.

    Life kinetik for school

    Life Kinetik is movement-based brain training that complements the educationalwork in schools. The training to become a brain trainer for schools is suitable for those who are curiousabout a training method that is fun and at the same time develops children's/young people'sability to concentrate, learn and be creative.Life Kinetik training can be carried out with the whole class or in smaller groups.Everyone can participate because the large selection of exercises and training materials means thatthe training can always be adapted to the students' function and ability. Life Kinetikcan also be offered as individual training and, just like other types oftraining, it is then easiest to tailor.

    The training method is movement-based. This means that unfamiliar movements and
    movement combinations are included as basic elements in all exercises. The movements
    are combined with mental tasks and challenges for perception.
    The method is standardized and provides a clear structure where the training is planned in
    cycles to cover the different training areas/parts. The recommended
    training dose is 60 min/week and this time can be carried out as one long session
    or divided into shorter sessions (“movement breaks”).Life Kinetik training at schoolLow-intensity, enjoyable and challengingLife Kinetik is low-intensity training that does not place any demands on the students' physical
    status or prior knowledge. The training is both fun and challenging. There is almost
    laughter during the training sessions and this is important because then the feel-good hormone
    dopamine* is secreted.
    Life Kinetik differs from traditional training where you train to become good/better
    at what you do. In Life Kinetik, the exercises are varied and the level of difficulty is increased
    even before the students have fully mastered an exercise. The important thing is not to learn
    an exercise or to succeed. The important thing is to try and have fun at the same time.
    The students do not need to compare themselves with each other. The non-traditional approach
    to training can therefore help to promote self-confidence and the feeling of daring to
    challenge yourself.Effects of trainingWe train our brain by being physically active and exposing ourselves to new impressions
    and challenges. It is especially when we learn new things that the brain is stimulated to
    create more connections between our brain cells. More connections mean that we can
    utilize a greater part of the brain's potential and this increases the brain's

    Practicing Life Kinetics can have many positive effects in many different ways. Here are some of the
    positive effects that Life Kinetics can contribute to in schools:• developed creativity and improved learning ability
    • happier individuals with increased self-confidence
    • improved concentration and thus school performance
    • improved reading and writing skills
    • in mathematics, it is easier to understand and convert reading into mechanical counting
    • developed fine and gross motor skills and coordination
    • increased language developmentFunctional variationsSince the training is always adapted to the individual's abilities, Life
    Kinetik works excellently for training students with various forms of functional challenges. In
    addition, almost all Life Kinetik training can be performed both sitting and
    In Sweden and Germany, Life Kinetik has been used with great success in training,
    for example, people with ADHD, autism, intellectual disability and
    acquired brain damage (link to Functional Variations). Improvements are noted,
    for example, in language development, concentration and memory. Physically,
    improvements are also noticeable in balance, coordination, fine and gross motor skills and
    simultaneous ability.

    Life kinetik for workplace

    Preventive healthcare with movement-based brain training. Life Kinetik at yourWorkplace is a training program for companies and organizations that aims tomotivate employees, lower stress hormone levels, increase productivity andwell-being.

    Wellness, preventive healthcare and rehabilitation are receiving a steady increase in focus within
    working life and from authorities.
    The average life expectancy is increasing in Sweden and our neighboring countries. Therefore,
    most people need to work longer to receive a pension equivalent to previous
    But for this to work, we need to stay healthy and attractive in
    the labor market right up until we retire, something we can contribute to with
    Life Kinetik at your Workplace.The training is carried out by our own company trainers.The training can be divided into 10 minutes of effective movement breaks each day,
    half an hour twice a week, or one continuous hour of training per

    The training is carried out in the company's own premises and the training does not require a change of clothes.

    Proven effect of being trained with Life Kinetik 1010 minutes a day:
    Practicing Life Kinetik can have an effect in many different ways. Here are some of the
    positive effects you can contribute to as a corporate trainer:
    • improve the ability to remember information
    • reduce the stress hormone surge
    • improve the ability to do several things at once
    • easier to solve and overcome problems
    • easier to organize
    • become more creative
    • increase physical activity
    • improve sleep and relaxation